Knowing that I need to thin out my yarn stash, I've been doing some knitting. I'm more of a crocheter so my knitting won't win any awards. A lot of my stash is just one or two of the same yarns, but I have some yarns which are enough for sweaters.
I'm currently working on a sweater--and even remembered to take progress pics--with yarn I bought at a yard sale. It is Caron Gold Sayelle in Light Rose.
It is almost summer, so why am I making sweaters? Because 1) I need to use some of this collection of yarn, 2) they will be ready for the cooler weather when it comes (actually it's been on the cool side for this time of year), and, most importantly 3) because I am in the mood to knit sweaters. This mood doesn't come that often and I need to take advantage of it.
The Caron yarn in the pic was a gift for XMas 2009 and I forgot I had it. It is Simply Soft, and it is. The person who gave it to me is not a knitter so didn't know how much to get. Well, she got plenty: 2 skeins each of 3 colors and each skein is 5 oz. of knitted worsted weight.
It would have been so much easier to find a pattern if there was a "main color" as opposed to an equal amount of each color. I could just find a pattern I like and work the colors, estimating where I would run short of a particular color, but this may not be fail proof.
I decided to do a top down raglan pullover. This way I won't have to worry about a color shortage: if I'm getting close to the end, I could just make the sweater and/or the sleeves shorter.
That's the plan anyway.
Oh, you are so good!!! Depleting your stash and I keep adding to mine. Can't wait to see the sweater.
There is so much yarn that I doubt this will make a dent. People have given me single skein yarn by huge bag loads, which is good for the doll clothes, but not so good for making people garments.
On this 3-tone sweater I am in the swatch process. Just got a great tip from a book: if working in the round, do the swatch in the round as the row and stitch count may be different than when working flat.
Good to hear you have a project going that you feel inspired to do!
Yeah, I'll need sweaters as can't seem to keep the mojo going for sewing tops and blouses, which I do desperately need.
Yay! I look forward to seeing the progress pics. And, of course, the end result :)
I hope so because you keep telling me to blog more, blog more. :)
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