Even though I mentioned that the second pan, after cleaning, looked like the one in a previous
Since I was only giving a general idea of how I had cleaned the pans, not a "follow these instructions" type post, there were a few things I did not mention: one of them is that a pan with a wooden should not be put through a cycle in the self-cleaning oven.
Aren't they heavy I was asked. Yes, they are, which is one of the reasons I avoided them for years. With the added weight of food, they are even heavier! If you are having problems with your wrists or hands, you might consider alternatives. I was told that enamel covered cast iron weighs a little less. Larger Lodge pans have a second handle, but I am not certain if the ones under 12" do. Just how did our old grandmothers and great-grandmothers lift those things?
I was also asked if I had a gas stove. No, I don't; I have an electric. Gas burners are better for cast iron. Because electric burners take a long time to cool down after being turned off, keep in mind that the food will still be cooking in the pans. So be careful that you don't overcook food.
I need to add that I have a smooth-top oven surface (ceramic glass). Some sites said to not use cast iron pans with them. I checked my manual for the oven and in the list for types of materials used in various pans, cast iron was mentioned. It did not say to avoid these as it does for glass or ceramic cooking utensils. You may want to check with the manufacturer of your oven.
I'm not an expert but I certainly have learned a lot. (Maybe that is why I am getting so many questions from others.)
We did buy another $5 pan. This one is 10 1/2" with NO CRUD---yay---but does have rust. It is a Wagner 1891 Original. Beginning in 1991 Wagner came out with a set of pans celebrating the 100th anniversary of Wagner, so this one isn't a very old pan. What I thought was funny is that there are instructions for seasoning the new pan etched on the bottom.
I'll try to answer any other questions I may get. If none, and if I don't make any great discoveries, I will try to continue with my theme of crafts and updating garments and patterns. Otherwise, I may have to change the name from gloriastitches to something like gloria'scastiron.
One thing all this cast iron has done is to get me more interested in cooking. I cook mainly because I have to eat!
Great stuff cast iron - too heavy for me now, but my hubby has a huge collection and loves the stuff and has used it for decades upon decades in all his Scouting activities. :) Great blog!
Thank you for the nice comment. Your sketch looked familiar to me, so I clicked a bit, and, yes, I know who you are!
My hubby found an old Griswold #8 (10 1/2 inches), the size of the one in my first post, but much older, going for over $900 on ebay!
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