The Sony camera is approximately from 2000 purchased by my mother-in-law. It was one of the first digital cameras out. Yes, it takes floppies (which always causes a laugh when I mention that; in fact, some think I'm joking.)
When she purchased a newer one she gave this one to us. We didn't use it for a few years as we were quite happy with our one-step-down-from-a-pro-model Minolta.
The Sony is so easy to use: it is pretty much aim and press the shutter button. It isn't difficult getting the pics on our p.c. as we have a tower with a floppy drive, on of the last ones built with one.
The pics aren't always the clearest but it could be because we are using old discs.
It does get a little time consuming when trying to send a pic from my laptop because I have to get it on the p.c., then send it to myself in an e-mail, the save it to my laptop computer.
A few months ago we bought the Canon Power Shot ELPH 100 HS. The pictures are more clear, but the sizes of them! Holy moly! The buttons and functions on it are far too numerous! We certainly don't need all of those and would prefer larger buttons. The booklet which came with it is approximately fifty pages, just telling the basics; the remaining 150 pages I had to get online. That's a boatload of instructions.
I go to Paint to make them smaller in size. I was so happy with myself for learning how to do that. LOL.
After floppies went by the wayside I found out I really like them: you can abuse them and they don't care.
I must admit that it is nice to attach the camera with the cable and just download the pics to my laptop.
Ah, technology! It's just advancing too quickly for some of us, and doesn't necessarily make things easier.
I've always enjoyed the challenge of learning new technology especially when it came to computers and cameras. However, things change so quickly now that I've become a little weary. I have a Canon and love it as my "quick and easy" camera. My Nikon is not as much fun as I can't ever remember all the settings for whatever siutation I am in.
That's the problem: the speed at which things change, not that they are changing.
You do take some great pics.
The dreaded W(t)F check.....
You're clean!
Jilly, You are a sweetheart. Thank you for checking.
In case you haven't guessed, I'm not fully in the 21st century yet.
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