Others doing Home Dec got me to pull out my fabric for two ottomans. The spots and one large burn hole need to be covered.
I bought the fabric two years ago when a Hancock's was closing. It was an unplanned purchase so I got a color I thought was close. I wanted two yards. The clerk said the minimum was five yards. I hesitated but got the five yards---good thing.
I had a plan as to how I wanted to do them, then went to Plan B and Plan C. I wound up with Plan A.
Plan B was to stitch the bottom part to the top. Problem: would involve too much excess fabric of the top part at the corners. Plan C was to make the cover in one piece. Problems: fabric wasn't wide enough. (Though I am good at estimating the fabric width of those folded on a bolt, I am not so good at ones not folded on a tube.) I thought this fabric was 60"; nope, it's 54". (But that wouldn't have caused me to buy more.) Thus, it would have to be seamed.
Another problem with a one-piece top falling straight down to the bottom was that the top part is pillow like and the bottom is on a wood frame, but they are attached. In order to get it wide enough for the bottom, there would be too much fabric on the corners of the pillow part. If I made them smaller to fit the pillow,

the fabric would flare out to fit the bottom part.
So, it was back to Plan A. The top is made much like you'd make a fitted sheet from a flat sheet. You measure the distance from the top of the corners down to end of the tuck under. It measured almost 9" , so, allowing 1/2" for a seam allowance, I cut out a square at each corner 8 1/4" x 8 1/4". The two cut edges are brought right sides together and stitched in a 1/2" seam.
Whoops. Although this had worked for me for a bed sheet, it was way too tight. I had measured too high up on the pillow. It wasn't quite so tight on the other ottoman, (they weren't the same size? ) but still tight. I wound up adding a wedge. I turned under the cut edges, put the wedge under and topstitched it in. (Not shown.)

On the second top piece which I had cut out, I wanted to allow enough fabric after cutting out the square corners so it would fit. I cut out the pieces 6" x 6" which wasn't enough. Seven inches each side worked.
Second valuable lesson learned: play it safe by allowing more than necessary, then cut away more as needed; the first lesson was to measure the pieces of furniture, even if they are supposed to be identical!
At the top of the stitching I added a small dart as there was some bubbling. Then made a 1/2" turnunder and tucked the piece under the pillow part. (not shown)
For the bottom I measured the perimeter and just to be sure after the problems I had just experienced, added 4" to the length. This was not necessary; 1" was plenty. Hem and that's it.
Now the top and bottom are just tucked under the pillow part. I'll have to either do some stitching or put in some upholstery pins so they stay put in case anyone pulls on them.
The fabric seen is actually the back of the fabric.
It is a little slippery. The right side looks like a fine
suede and nothing would slide on it. So why did I
do this? The gold color looked better with the rest
of the pieces to the sofa set.
It's not a perfect job, but again, so much better than the ottomans look and I feel a definite sense of accomplishment for having done it.
I have enough fabric left to make a third "in case I need it" top.